Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finals Start Tomorrow...

I have Spanish and Psychology finals tomorrow. Not too big of a deal.
Not REAL final in Spanish, and an open book test in Psychology. Stress free, really.

On Thursday, I have Math and TOK. These are what I'm stressing about. -_-
Math I have a cumulative final on everything I've learned this year. From August until now. I'm needing to study big time. And on, top of the studying, I have my math project due at noon on Friday. Joy. All I have to do in TOK is write a rough draft for my TOK essay. But this involves creative thinking and preparation. I'm not ready for this. :(

Friday, I have History and English. I have to study for both. History is an exam on Single Party States in Europe. Mostly revolving around Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco. Fascist dictators FTL.
English, I have two essays. One on the play The Visit and one on the novel Things Fall Apart. I didn't finish reading TFA...so I'm scared. Plus, there are 40 multiple choice questions on each as well. So stressful.

I'm hoping that on Friday I can come home and take a nap, pack, and then stay up all night because I'm leaving for the airport to go to Washington DC at 3am. T_T

I'm insanely excited about my DC trip though. I get to see Barack Obama inaugurated. The first black president! :D More on this later this week.

No play rehearsal for the rest of the week.

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